Sign up as a partner and use GivingTuesday to highlight just how YOUR business makes a difference.
Companies + Brands
Small businesses, corporations, and brands can get involved in many ways: Giving Tuesday is a great opportunity to do more for the causes you support and engage employees and your community.
It’s Good Business to Do GOOD. Being public about your values is good for your business and good for the world.
Brands that are active about Giving Tuesday get extremely favorable media coverage and great engagement online.

Remember To:
Share your plans with the GivingTuesday team so we can help boost your efforts!
Create buzz ahead of time, inviting clients and consumers to participate in your campaign. Send out a press release and media alert.
Share your company’s Giving Tuesday success with blog posts, company newsletters, social media, and even any other consumer or stakeholder communications
Interested in Becoming a Partner or Sponsor?
Giving Tuesday Partners are charities, social enterprises, companies, brands, community group, schools - any organization that is committed to helping Japanese charities, non-profits, or the Youth Spark movement.
Joining as a partner is FREE; all resources will be given through our website or email after signing up. Fill out the contact form or email us directly at
©2023 - 2025 by Giving Tuesday Japan.
Proudly created by Tsunoda Stylings